EE申请 Proof of Means of Financial Support 里银行流水的问题

Proof of Means of Financial Support 提供资料,6个月银行流水没有英文怎么办If you are applying for permanent residence in Canada, you must provide an official letter issued by your financial institution indicating your financial profile. This must:list of all your bank (chequing and savings) and investment accounts, the account numbers, dates each account was opened and the balance of each account over the past six months,list all outstanding debts, such as credit cards and loans,be printed on the letterhead of the financial institution, and include your name and the contact information of the financial institution (address, telephone number and e-mail address).请问the balance of each account over the past six months, 是指账户中过去六个月的余额?银行的资信证明里没有显示过去六个月的余额,流水单里才有,按照IRCC这个要求是必须要提供流水单,而且要翻译?银行的资信证明里有银行的抬头,盖章,但没有提供银行的联系信息(地址,电话号码,email地址)这个会有很大影响吗?谢谢
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Proof of Means of Financial Support文件中要求提供六个月的银行流水,以展示过去六个月内各个账户的余额情况。如果您的银行资信证明中没有显示过去六个月的余额,您可以额外提供银行流水单作为补充材料。根据IRCC的要求,流水单需要提供翻译。在提供银行资信证明时,如果没有提供银行的联系信息,可能会对申请造成一定影响,因为IRCC通常希望能够联系和确认提供的文件的真实性。建议您尽量提供包含银行联系信息的资信证明,或者在其他文件中提供银行的联系信息,以增加申请的可信度。如果您无法获得银行资信证明中所需的联系信息,您可以尝试联系银行,向他们请求提供一份包含联系信息的证明文件。请注意,以上建议仅供参考,请在确保您的申请材料完整和准确的前提下提供必要的文件和信息。如有需要,请咨询专业移民律师或咨询机构以获取专业建议。