求教有类似经验的人解答。 我递交了EE申请收到了确认信。我的体检是之前做的,递交后 IRCC寄来一封Medical Surveillance Notice,我的状态还没有MEP,想问下我是要等把这个surveillance结束才能MEP还是case会继续审理,等我登录后再做这个surveillance。 我做过两次胸片和赔痰化验,诊所说没什么问题。
Good Day,
The results of your immigration medical examination (IME) indicate that you are required to report to a provincial/territorial public health authority (P/T PHA), as you may have a medical condition considered to be one of public health significance in Canada requiring a medical follow-up referred to as surveillance.
The P/T PHA has the responsibility to conduct a medical follow-up according to established protocols. Therefore, you may receive a letter or a phone call from the P/T PHA regarding next steps to completing medical surveillance. The P/T PHA must inform Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that you have complied with medical surveillance for IRCC to update your file.
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, response times and the availability of appointments has been affected. This means it may take longer than 3 months for your appointment to be scheduled. If you have not heard anything from the P/T PHA after six months, please email the Public Health Liaison Unit at
[email protected]