WebForm请求指纹费退款,客服说给我withdraw application?

我在去年10月在境内提交小签申请,当时已经有指纹豁免,不过因为我填写了过去未提交过指纹,还是连带收了$85指纹费。后来签证正常批准、贴签、护照返还,指纹费从未退。在My Receipts里查说"We can't process your request because one of our offices is still working on your application." 于是在WebForm里写了情况申请退款,今天收到客服回复如下: A note has been added to your file on February 24, 2021, to advise the responsible office of your request to withdraw your application. Once your application is opened, it will be at the responsible office's discretion to withdraw the application and grant a refund of the processing fees within 16 weeks. Please note that your decision is final and that a new application will require the applicable fees. 我从未要求过withdraw,签证也都已经批准了怎么能withdraw。请问大神这会有什么后果,签证会失效吗?接下来应该如何应对?多谢各位



1. 继续与客服保持联系:回复客服的电子邮件,表明您的立场,并说明您并未提出撤销申请的要求。要求进一步解释为什么他们建议撤回您的申请。

2. 寻求法律帮助:如果与客服的沟通没有解决问题,您可以寻求法律帮助。请咨询专业的移民律师,向他们咨询这种情况是否会对您的签证产生不利影响。

3. 耐心等待处理:尽管时间可能会比较长,但请耐心等待处理。根据客服的回复,他们将在16周内做出决定。
