EE FSW资金证明问题

你好,我在cic网站看到关于EE permanent resident所需的资金证明有以下说明 If you are applying for permanent residence in Canada, you must provide an official letter issued by your financial institution indicating your financial profile. This must: list of all your bank (chequing and savings) and investment accounts, the account numbers, dates each account was opened and the balance of each account over the past six months, list all outstanding debts, such as credit cards and loans, be printed on the letterhead of the financial institution, and include your name and the contact information of the financial institution (address, telephone number and e-mail address). 我走的是FSW类别,我在加拿大的银行有足够金额的存款,但是我本人现在在中国,请问这个证明一定是要去银行现场办理打印吗?如果是出具在网上银行上下载的过去几个月的E-statement是否可以?


