

今早收到了IRCC发的邮件,里面有要回复的东西:  In your reply to this email, copy and paste this template and fill in the information for yourself and for each member of your family AND you must include the reference number in the subject line also for us to process the work:. If you are not sure of the exact date(s) of your entries to Canada, you can provide your best estimate.  Name:  UCI:  Email:(one for the whole family)  Canadian Residential Address: 这里我比较疑惑的是,他让我填写the information for yourself and for each member of your family, 我还需要填写我的所有家人信息吗?但是他们并不跟我一起前往加拿大。如果是的话,是不是只用在name那一栏写上我所有家人的姓名就可以呢?
