
情况是 我已经申请到学签,配偶有旅游签,想开学前一起入境,目前留学生配偶是否还需要申请豁免信? 看到一段写的是: Some of your immediate family members may be able to come with you to Canada. You must be in one of the following relationships: you’re the spouse or common-law partner of the studentyou’re the dependent child of the student, or of the student’s spouse or common-law partneryou’re the parent or step-parent of the student, or of the student's spouse or common-law partneryou’re the guardian or tutor of the student If one of these family members travels with you They don’t need a written authorization from IRCC to travel with you. However, they must show that their reasons for travel are non-discretionary (non-optional). For example, they’ll help you get established and support you in Canada. 求解答 谢谢!
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根据您提供的情况,留学生的配偶持有旅游签证,计划在学生开学前一起入境加拿大。根据Citizenship and Immigration Canada(CIC)的规定,留学生的配偶在这种情况下不需要单独申请豁免信。然而,他们必须能证明他们入境的理由是非自愿性的(也称为非强制性的)。例如,他们可以证明他们将帮助您在加拿大安顿下来并提供支持。因此,您的配偶需要出示相关的证明材料,以证明他们的旅行具有非自愿性的理由。确保您的配偶带上足够的支持文件,例如您们的关系证明、旅行计划、住宿安排以及您的学生签证。这些文件将有助于证明他们的目的是合理的,并加强他们的入境申请。希望您和配偶的入境顺利,享受在加拿大的留学生活!