關於NOC type,請求大神回復,感恩感恩!

以下都不是加拿大的工作經驗,是在加拿大境外產生的工作經驗。 1、我在國內本科畢業 第一份工作的title是Trainee,一週40個小時,做了1年又1個月,其實是做客服和銷售的工作。 Job duties and responsibilities 是:perform sales order management tasks and process customer inquiries; maintain customer relationships through proactive communication related to order management; liaise and support Logistics team with the delivery of products from the plant or third party warehouses; support credit management, billing and accounts receivable follow-up; develop potential customers; deal with customer complaints, etc. 感覺這個比較符合這個Code,但是是C類,一點用都沒有: 6411 C類 Sales and account representatives-wholesale trade (non-technical) 請問結合工作性質描述,可以寫這個code麽: 6221 B Technical sales specialists-wholesale trade 2、我研究生畢業的第一份工作是industrial engineer, 這個就是2141 - Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers,符合A類的要求。但是是一週30個小時,但工作證明上的工資不低,請問這個可以給到我加分麽?感恩!

