你好,楼主现在持PGWP,在加拿大境内office-based工作,因为疫情临时WFH。现在可能需要回国一段时间,并有如下问题: IRCC网站写平时居住在加拿大的工签持有人豁免于旅行禁令,请问实际执行起来如何?是否有近期成功入境经历? https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/foreign-workers.html Non-discretionary refers to travel for reasons that are non-optional. The emergency orders under the Quarantine Act do not allow people to travel to Canada for optional or discretionary reasons, such as for tourism, recreation or entertainment. As a worker, your travel is non-discretionary if you’re in either of these situations: You have a valid work permit and normally live in Canada. This applies even if you’ve been laid off. You’re a worker who meets all of the following: has a letter of introduction for a work permit (open or employer-specific) has a valid job offer can work once you enter Canada and complete your 14-day quarantine (unless you’re exempt) 因为国内隔离政策想在境外WFH几个星期,请问这样做是否合法,是否会对EE申请造成影响? 多谢各位帮助