您好,在上传CEC supporting documents 的时候遇到几个问题想咨询一下,谢谢!工作证明材料:Offer of Employment: 我没有正式的offer,只有邮件,后面就签了合同了。这一项可不可以直接上传签过的合同,然后附一个邮件的截图Employment Records:他的描述有一个reference letter, 和 letter of Employment 很像:Proof must include a reference letter from your employer and pay stubs, if you have them. The reference letter must:1 - be an official document printed on company letterhead2 - include your name, the company's contact information (address, telephone number and e-mail address), the signature of your immediate3 - include these details: job title, duties/responsibilities, job status (if current job), the dates you worked for the company, the number of work hours per week and your annual salary plus benefits.我们也没有paystubs只有T4和银行流水。可否只提供CRA T4和银行流水作为Employment Records呢?Letter of Employment:这个和reference letter区别大吗曾用名:Legal Name Change Doc. (required) 我不是很清楚国内改名会出什么文件。如果去派出所开证明材料之后是否还需要公证呢?或者可不可以直接扫描户口本,然后手动加上翻译。成绩单:我在加拿大学校的成绩单有一份unofficial的,不太清楚request一个official的成绩单要多久。说实话我不知道填表中的哪个问题会trigger出来这个材料,可能是因为毕业了一年以上?想问下这种情况我可以先用unofficial的成绩单吗,然后后续再补交正式的成绩。资金证明我记得CEC是不需要资金证明的,这一项我是不是可以上传一下我的银行statements还有GIC这些感谢!